Mutts On The Move is a company based in Cochrane, Alberta, specializing in keeping your dogs fit and happy. We offer a variety of services, all to ensure that your beloved pet is taken care of when they need it. We understand that life can make it difficult to take time to keep up with your dogs' exercise and appointments, and hope to help keep your pooch happy and healthy. To learn more, please visit our services & rates page, or contact us directly. We look forward to working with you!
Mutts on the Move specializes in visiting your pooch during the day to offer them a rewarding exercising experience and mental break.
We provide both group walks and private leashed walks, depending on the temperment and training of your dog (more details in our services and rates).
We are a licensed and bonded business. We follow requests to use leashes and items that your dog is used to, and work with your schedule to keep your pet happy.